G&S Solar has been involved in the renewable energy sector for over a decade and has over 30 years of industrial, residential and retail real estate construction experience. As property owners ourselves, we understand and respect the value of the real estate and work to the highest standards to protect it, and have created flexibility in our program to address these needs. We take care of the design, engineering, installation, operations and maintenance at NO COST to you.
New York Community Solar is a program which allows property owners to “host” a solar array on their property, the electricity from which is supplied to the surrounding community, including friends, family, and coworkers within the utility territory.
We’ll pay you an annual rent according to the size of the PV system.
As a demand-metered property owner, community solar guidelines allow you to purchase 40% of the solar energy at a reduced rate.
If your property is located in New York City, you may be eligible for a solar property tax abatement (PTA) of up to $250,000.
More revenue and lower expenses means higher value.
This opportunity is available to property owners within Con Edison’s service territory: